
Brandon Mak (he/him)


I've just finished my PhD, which gave me an excuse to watch urban peregrine falcons and tell people how cool birds of prey are! If I’m not bothering you with animal facts, I’m probably working you up with some puns (quality not guaranteed).

Guilherme Neves


In my day job I study how neurons balance their impulses between inhibition and stimulation. Pint of Science gives me the opportunity to share enthusiasm about neuroscience while inhibitions are blunted by ethanol. Delighted to celebrate the 10th anniversary of PoS, returning from the COVID break.

Andrew Nathan Joseph Kerr (he/him)

Andrew Nathan Joseph Kerr (he/him)

Event Manager - Planet Earth

I am a PhD Candidate at King’s College, London within the Department of Geography. My current research draws upon Queer Theory and the Inclusive Growth Framework to understand, examine and analyse youth participation and engagement within urban regeneration and renewal processes.

Lucie Delobel (she/her)

Lucie Delobel (she/her)

Event Manager - Planet Earth

I'm a second year PhD student studying sand dune ripples on Mars. Without meteorological stations on the Martian surface, I use ripple patterns to identify the local wind direction. I hate sand getting into my shoes, but love how wind can shape these incredible sand structures on both Earth and Mars…

Luis Moliner Cachazo (he/him)

Event Manager - Planet Earth

I'm a 4th year PhD student in the London NERC DTP, looking at aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity in the Okavango Delta, an amazing place! apart from looking at bugs under the microscope, I like to play the piano, Djing and mudlarking on the Thames foreshore.

Samantha Day (she/her)

Samantha Day (she/her)

Event Manager - Planet Earth

I am a 3rd year PhD candidate in geography, researching forest conservation partnerships. I love science and I adore pints! I even have the same type of glasses as the logo!! I hope to discover some weird and wonderful insights during Pint of Science, or also, hear some great debates!

Benjamin Compans

Benjamin Compans

Website Manager & Event manager - Beautiful Mind

Postdoc in Neuroscience studying how neurons exchange information at synapses. Enthusiast to share our knowledge about Science, I was previously involved for 4 years in the organisation of Pint of Science in France and I am now joining the British team to enjoy more science and better beers!

Rachel Jackson

Rachel Jackson

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I’m a postdoc studying the structure, function and plasticity of synapses, the specialised connections between neurons. The brain is a fascinating subject and I’m really excited about helping to organise some great talks about our Beautiful Mind!

Nicolas Marichal

Nicolas Marichal

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I am a postdoc working on the conversion of supporting cells of the brain (called glia) into neurons, as a novel strategy for the replacement of neuronal lost after injury. I am excited about science communication especially in iconic places like pubs, and I am looking forward to sharing amazing sci…

Vincenzo Mastrolia

Vincenzo Mastrolia

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I am a research associate in Burrone lab at King’s College London. My focus is investigating how the hippocampus processes the multitude of inputs it receives. To study this, I look at the activity of single neurons in real time, using microscopy and electrophysiology.

Frederike Winkel

Frederike Winkel

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I am a joint Postdoc in the labs of Oscar Marin and Beatriz Rico at King's College London researching the dysregulation of interneurons in Schizophrenia. This involves the whole bandwidth of science - molecular biology, physiolgy and behaviour. If not in the lab, I love getting active and a sweat on…

Rebecca Milton

Rebecca Milton

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I’m a second year PhD student researching whether the immune system could be a link between obesity and depression. After attending PoS events previously I’m excited to help organise some Mental Health related talks as part of the Beautiful Mind theme.

Treesje Verlinden

Treesje Verlinden

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I am co-founder of a non-profit Applied Neuroscience Association (ANA) who is sponsoring "Beautiful Mind" as part of ANA's mission of "spreading neuroscience for social good"! Proud to be part of a team of event organizers representing King's IoPPN Denmark Hill for 2023 Pint of Science in London!

Aleksandra Olszewska

Event Manager - Our Body

As a second-year PhD student, I look into the development of novel medicines and try to harness the power of blood clotting to optimise a personalized, autologous treatment for diabetic foot ulcers. In my free time I read, do yoga, and spend time with my two fur babies.

Leslie Wong

Leslie Wong

Event Manager - Our Society

I’m a 2nd-year PhD in Comparative Literature at KCL who still hasn’t found a good way to explain what my research is about in a nutshell. But it’s something about Greek gods meeting Sherlock Holmes and Dracula in Asia. Not literally, alas.

Gefan Wang

Gefan Wang

Event Manager - Our Society

Second-year PhD student in Comparative Literature at King’s. My primary research interest is comparing 20th-century Austrian and Japanese literature. Also a map nerd, fashion history enthusiast and Japanese New Wave film lover.

Toryn Whitehead

Toryn Whitehead

Event Manager - Planet Earth

I'm a social scientist interested in conservation and policy, and my PhD focuses on the reintroduction of wolves to the UK. From dissecting fairytales to combatting misinformation, communication is a key part of my work and as such I am incredibly excited to be hosting the ‘People and Nature’ Pint o…

Élias Yassin (he/him)

Élias Yassin (he/him)

Event Manager - Planet Earth

I am a 3rd year PhD candidate researching plant-human relationships, climate crisis rhythms and imagining multispecies urban futures. Love pints, science and especially Pint of Science! When I’m not reading or chilling with plants and people in greenspaces, I take photographs, paint and experiment w…

Merrill Hopper

Merrill Hopper

Event Manager - Planet Earth

I’m a 3rd year PhD candidate who spends most the time staring at walls thinking of their ontological conceptualisation, so I was in need of something a tad more exciting – pints and science sounded perfect!

Larissa Dinu

Larissa Dinu

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I am a second year PhD student in cognitive developmental neuroscience researching goal-directed behaviour across development using naturalistic methods, such as smartphone apps and virtual reality. In my spare time, I like to do sports, cook, travel and spend time with my two Birman cats.

Rhian Milton-Cole

Event Manager - Our Body

I am a 3rd year PhD Candidate researching Depression after Hip Fracture in the Department of Population Health Sciences, I am also a Physiotherapist currently working in Neurological Outpatients. Outside of my love for research and science I am an avid baker!

Matthew Siddle

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I am a first-year MRes/PhD in Neuroscience and Immunology student who has decided that deadlines every other week just weren’t quite enough! Ideally every science presentation would be accompanied with a pint, but for now, this will have to do.

Marcelo Salierno

Marcelo Salierno

Beautiful Mind Event Manager

A scientist at heart, I am passionate about studying how the brain works at the cellular level and helping to achieve brain regeneration. Pint-of-science gave me the best excuse to get out of my microscope and spread the latest on how our beautiful mind works! In a pub where people really listen! ;)